Working Together to Address COVID-19


A Message from the Hawes Group …

On March 11,2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) labeled the disease caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic, which means it has a global reach and can cause exponential growth in the number of people infected. The number of coronavirus cases continues to surge. As of 03/16/2020, almost 4,000 cases have been reported in 49 US states.  We now know that early intervention with preventative measures, effective testing and access to care are not only our biggest challenges but also the key components in a containment strategy. The next challenge will be dealing with the economic impact to our financial markets, businesses, and the cost of delivering care on such a broad scale.

Helping to Mitigate the Financial Burden

While the Federal Government and state governments work to develop initiatives to address the pandemic, and public health officials are working with all stakeholders to “flatten the [growth]curve” of the disease, tech companies are also contributing a variety of innovations to improve access to clinical care. Robots capable of sterilizing public spaces, telehealth platforms, like the free online pre-screening tool offered to health systems by a Portland-based tech startup, and the newly approved testing tool, which delivers results ten times faster, are examples of technology that will help us get through the challenges at hand. These types of clinical initiatives will also help mitigate the financial burden that both patients and providers could ultimately face. However, in the months to come, it will still be critical to provide a heightened level of responsive and compassionate financial care to patients and their families.

In the path forward, dedicated efforts and ingenuity in delivering not only healthcare but also financial services will be necessary to get us through the crisis. The Hawes Group and its affiliated companies including KG Hawes, Professional Credit and Ensource , are taking a number of steps in adapting our processes and utilizing our technology to ensure the health of our employees, their families, our clients, and the consumers they serve, while providing compassionate financial care.

Preventing further spread of COVID-19 is our top priority. We are continuously monitoring updates from the CDC for best practices in an effort to make real-time adjustments for the safety of our various work environments. This includes a social distance policy which provides more personal space for on-site employees; presently, we are implementing a two meter minimum requirement for any personal interaction and suspending in-person huddles or meetings. Frequent hand washing and regular cleaning of hard surfaces are obligatory. We are also temporarily suspending all travel which includes site visits and conference activities, and substituting them with virtual alternatives wherever possible.  A two-week self-quarantine will be mandatory for those who cannot avoid travel or have been in areas where community exposure is of concern. In an effort to minimize any negative impact on the livelihood of our employees, we will be working to develop financial relief policies in line with those presented by state and federal agencies.

We understand that illness, school closures, and self-quarantines may pose attendance issues. Our business’ continuity plan includes secure call-routing and system access for remote employees to minimize the number of staff required at our operations center. In consideration of how these same conditions will affect clients and consumers, we are updating our disaster preparedness and re-adjusting our management activities to the ever changing socio-economic environment in collaboration with our clients’ interests specific to each industry.  Our goal is to be a social positive and assist people through these times in order to continue to provide compassionate yet reasonable services that are sensitive to the realities of this situation. Technicians, client support services and agents will continue to be available by phone for assistance and actions can be taken on accounts 24 hours a day via a variety of self-service options, including through online portals, mobile apps & 24/7 monitoring of critical systems and support channels. Having these tools in place allows us to continue providing services to clients while simultaneously minimizing activities which could contribute to community spread.

It is in challenging and uncertain times like this that we have the greatest opportunity to demonstrate our dedication to the communities we serve. By working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we can also reduce the suffering of those impacted. The Hawes Group and its affiliates are taking this very seriously as should everyone in every community.

By supporting each other throughout this crisis, we will overcome the challenges we face in addressing its impact and will rise in its aftermath with a stronger community bond.

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