2 Minute Quiz: Does my ARM system require upgrading?

Determining what technology is right for the unique needsa of your business can be difficult. KG Hawes offers experienced technology consulting services that are designed to assist you in making choices concerning technology that will provide you with the best solution for the best value. In this post, we are providing a quick two-minute quiz that can help you determine if your ARM system is in need of upgrading.

True or False

  1. The vendor for our ARM system is no longer supporting it or in business.
  2. My employees often complain about processing speed.
  3. It is not uncommon to experience system failures or crashes.
  4. Our ARM has difficulty integrating with some of our more modern applications.
  5. Our system requires lengthy training.
  6. We need to use a variety of applications in addition to the ARM for account management.
  7. Our ARM is not graphically oriented (i.e. it is primarily text-based or utilizes command prompt).
  8. 50% or more of our IT department’s time is spent on the ARM.
  9. We cannot guarantee it has the most current authentication or encryption methods.
  10. Customizing the system is difficult and requires vendor assistance.
  11. It requires more than three actions inside the system to complete one action on an account.
  12. It includes little to no automation, nearly everything is done manually.


I answered “true” for five or fewer statements.

If you answered “true” to five or fewer statements then you’re ARM system is likely still doing the job. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore your options. Depending on what you answered “true” to, a system upgrade could still offer significant ROI. For example, usability is one of the biggest drains on production. Modern systems have graphical user interfaces that are easier to navigate and have all the applications needed to manage your accounts built-in- improving efficiency for a boost in staff performance.

I answered “true” for six to ten statements.

If you answered “true” for six to ten of the statements then you would benefit from a system upgrade. Often businesses get used to the short-comings of their existing systems; creating elaborate workarounds or just accepting sub-par performance. While any one of the above-mentioned issues could be mitigated, the compounding of multiple issues can have a drastic impact on production.  New ARM systems offer a variety of perks that simply weren’t available when older systems were being developed. Now your ARM system can include built-in access portals, real-time reporting features, and a variety of options for automating tasks.  For your business, upgrading to a modern system can mean compounding efficiencies rather than deficiencies.

I answered “true” for ten or more statements.

It’s a miracle your business is operating at all- you are in desperate need of a system upgrade! Businesses in your situation have the most to gain from a new ARM.  Improving the basic functionalities of your ARM system will mean more than just a boost in production, it can also boost employee morale impacting employee retention and improve consumer and client experiences offering reputational benefits. If you want to maximize your ROI then you need the right tools. Contact us today for a demo of ARTrail®, our all-in-one A/R solution and discover your business’s full potential.

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Gerald Jonathan

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