Five Fast Ways Texting Is More Effective Than Email

If you’re wondering how effective your business communications are, you need to read today’s post.  Though the idea of multi-channel communication is not a new one, many businesses are still lagging behind at adopting text messaging. In the realm of modern business, providing a channel for digital communications is essential; however, studies are showing that email might not be the right one. Here are five ways text messaging is more effective:

  1. On average people open 1 in 4 emails compared to over 80% of texts received.
  2. Smartphone users spend twice as much time texting as they do looking at emails.
  3. More than 50% of people prefer texts over emails for communications like an appointment or prescription reminder, and service changes or outage notifications.
  4. Text messaging happens in real time giving the message a sense of urgency, something emails can have difficulty conveying.
  5. Text messages are less likely to be used for spam, making them appear more secure and reliable than email.

Text messages can contain the same conveniences as email, such as clickable links, yet are also highly secure with the utilizition of advanced encryption to protect sensitive data. But there are some things texts can do that email simply can’t. For example, a text message can turn into real-time communication. Communications via text are instantaneous in a way that email just isn’t. For that reason, text messaging has a 44% response rate and is categorically better for engagement.

Because of phishing scams, unsolicited emails are often not trusted, and therefore rarely opened. Additionally, email has been such a popular spam channel that important communications can get lost due to the sheer volume of messages.  With text messaging you don’t have to worry about standing out in the inbox; you’re delivered right to the consumer’s pocket.

Ready to utilize texts in your business? We can help. Contact us today for a demo of the VoizTrail Suite.

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